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Ciera Fedock

Professional Image Editing & 
Creative Services.
The Devil is in the Details

As with all Creatives it started at an early age, and as with all unique character development the road took many twists and turns along the way.  After many years of having the opportunity to work with some wild and unique characters throughout my career, as well as learning various skill sets I finally found my home in the position of Creative lead. Being able to continually work with diverse groups of people all across the globe and collaborating on different brands, projects and ideologies has been my greatest personal achievement. 


to hear more about these characters please visit my resume)


Fun Facts:

-I love documentaries 

-I am made of 90% coffee ( I am also not a doctor so those numbers might be off )

-I have accumulated a collection of animals and they are often featured in tiny hats on my social media

-A goal I have in life is to sleep for 9 hours straight ( reference coffee consumption above)

-I pride myself on my ability to problem solve, ask me about that time I moved a 400lb hutch by myself



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“Ciera was an amazing addition to our team. She helped us refresh our business and we couldn't be more pleased with the results." - Shane Sovan | Owner: Coastal Mitigations
"She knew exactly what I wanted for the business, even when I had a hard time explaining it. She took the time to sit down and talk me through every design and concept. Would recommend 100%" - Shari Thomas 
"Ciera was the only one in the room who would give me an honest opinion, while I didn't always want to listen, it made by business better in the end and I would definitely recommend her." - Raj Armani | Owner: IMbesharam


Because sometimes things could of been in an email :) 

Thanks for submitting!


© 2021 Ciera Fedock

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